BABYDOGESWAP helps you make the most out of your crypto in many ways
Swap, Earn, Save and Help Save the Dogs with the best community in Crypto.
1/ Create staking rewards for your community by providing incentives to users who stake their tokens for an amount of time (fixed or variable).
At BabyDoge Swap you can join the Farms that allow users to earn BabyDoge or other tokens by staking LP Tokens.

2/ Reward calculations
Yield Farm APR calculations include both:
• LP rewards APR earned through providing liquidity and;
• Farm base rewards APR earned staking LP Tokens in the Farm.

3/ Providing liquidity will get you LP Tokens, which will earn you rewards in the form of trading fees for making sure there’s always liquidity for the exchange to use.
The incentive is to balance out the risk of impermanent loss that comes along with locking in your liquidity.
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