Frog Ceo


Frog Ceo ($FROGCEO) was born as a completely producer and community-oriented token of the ecosystem. Frog Ceo token will always be valuable because all projects in the ecosystem will be processed through Frog Ceo. Remember! The Frog Ecosystem has a lot of project ideas, and the more all these projects are completed, the more interest in FROG CEO will increase.

Also, all Frog Ceo owners will earn more Frog Ceo by keeping Frog Ceo coins in their wallets, which are automatically sent to your wallet. Watch the amount of Frog Ceo in your wallet grow, as Frog Ceo holders are automatically charged %6 for every chained transaction that takes place in the Frog Ceo ecosystem. In short, the Frog Ceo community earns more Frog Ceo money than the fees generated for each transaction. The more FROG CEO is actively used, the more rewards are granted!


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