️welcome to FTT token | It allows you to have dividends across the entire ecosystem via staking is powered by the company’s profit and also a governance token. 🔥More 5X on the Flash 3.0 token on our payment token at launch🔥| The project is going to unveil the whole ecosystem made of various products🛒.
Very experienced crypto marketing team⚡️CMC | CG | Dextool | Dexview | Avedex Trending⚡️ Telegram:https://t.me/flashtokenenglish | Your Ticket to Flash Technologies Token Profits 🪙

😊 Pinksale: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x2E07c3B2bB52CA72149bdBCe6222D1826626F4f2?chain=BSC

⚡️Token Name: FTT Token
⚡️Token Symbol: FTT
⚡️Token Decimals: 18

⚡️Total Supply 1,000,000,000 FTT

⚡️Tokens For Presale 400,000,000 FTT
⚡️Tokens For Liquidity 199,920,000 FTT

➡️Buyback Percent 5%
➡️Liquidity Percent 51%

💰Soft Cap 30 BNB

⏰ Presale Start Time 2023.10.23 17:00 (UTC)
⏰ Presale End Time 2023.10.26 23:59 (UTC)

🐰Listing: Pancakeswap

🔶Contract Address: 0x2E07c3B2bB52CA72149bdBCe6222D1826626F4f2

✈️ Telegram: https://t.me/flashtokenenglish
✖️ X : https://twitter.com/Flash_Techno_Of
🌐 Website: Website : Flash-technologies.org
😊 Pinksale: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x2E07c3B2bB52CA72149bdBCe6222D1826626F4f2?chain=BSC

FLASH TECHNOLOGIES IS SET TO REVOLUTIONIZE THE MONEY TRANSFER MARKETDubai, UAE, April 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FLASH TECHNOLOGIES LLC- FZ is atechnology company, registered in DUBAI and soon in Europe (Estonia) fromApril 2023, which develops a money transfer ecosystem (cash to crypto and viceversa). Flash Technologies’ goal is to give users financial freedom even inunbanked areas.More than a billion people do not have access to a bank account, which meansthat they only operate with cash. Flash Technologies wants to help users toconvert their CASH into CRYPTO via partner stores. The company will thereforemake cryptos accessible to millions of people, largely in very poor countrieswhere access to banks is difficult. And the partnership with Binance makes itavailable in 180 countries, 90 currencies worldwide through an onramp solution(payment integration)The size of the global money transfer market has reached a value of $15billion by 2022 and is expected to grow at a rate of 14% through 2027. AndFlash Technologies does not want to stay on the side-lines of this exponentialgrowth.The project has a wide ecosystem consisting of several products as follows:1. FLASH TRANSFER. It is a global cash/cash transfer service through whichusers will be able to purchase or withdraw cash via merchant partners in over180 countries. Through THE partnership with Binance, customers will be able topurchase assets with credit cards on all of the websites for only a 2% fee,better than competitor Moonpay (4.5% fee).2. FLASH WALLET. It is a web3 e-wallet with a special feature called: the”dead-wallet” function. This feature allows the recovery of cryptos in anotherwallet in case of loss of the seed phrase (password) or in case of death ofthe crypto holder. A smart contract linked to a timer that automaticallytriggers the transfer of funds out of the wallet after a certain time has beenintegrated.Furthermore, to guarantee transparency and security, FlashPay will beintegrated into the Wallet. With FlashPay, escrow agreements can be createdquickly by either the buyer or the seller. Once receipt of goods or servicesis confirmed, funds are immediately transferred to the seller via the smartcontract.3. FLASH DEX. It is both a swap and a bridge on more than 20 blockchains. Itis equipped with an aggregator that will search for the best rates ondifferent protocols to offer the user the lowest price at the time of thetransaction. The DEX (Decentralized Exchange) allows users to makedecentralized transactions without going through a centralized authority or anintermediary. Several projects can list their tokens on this exchange to beavailable on dozens of blockchains and extend their accessibility.4. FLASH LAUNCHPAD : It is a decentralized launch platform built on multipleblockchains, which will help new crypto-currency projects raise funds and gainvisibility in the market. It is designed to provide projects with a secure andtransparent way to launch their tokens while allowing investors to participatein these launches in a fair and equitable manner.Other new products will be added to this list in the future.In addition, FLASH 3.0, the governance token will be launched on 6 chains(Bnbchain, Ethereum, Polygon, Cronos, Optimism and Arbitrum).It is a multi-chain token that will become a currency in the FlashTechnologies ecosystem. It will give various benefits depending on the numberof tokens held by the user. It can be purchased on different blockchains withthe same address. FLASH 3.0 will be audited by CertiK, one of the largestauditing companies in the world in the field of smart contracts.Finally, FLASH TECHNOLOGIES is not only associated with Binance but has alsosealed many other partnerships such as with CertiK for audits, Synaps for KYCand KYB. For regulation and compliance, Flash Technologies works under thedome of the international firm Osborne Clarke.Flash Technologies – Be independentDisclaimer:This press release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-lookingstatements describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies(including product offerings, regulatory plans and business plans) and maychange without notice. You are cautioned that such statements are subject to amultitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances,events, or results to differ materially from those projected in theforward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differmaterially from those projected in the forward-lookingMedia Details:Terry JuniorFLASH TECHNOLOGIES LLC-FZcontact-at-flash-technologies.orgBfinity/BinanceContact person: Lareina GEmail: lareina.g-at-binance.comOsborne ClarkeContact: Karima LachgarEmail: karima.lachgar-at-osborneclarke.comSynapsContact: FlorianEmail: florian-at-synaps.ioFLASH TECHNOLOGIES Logo.png


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